The fil rouge of Atherosclerosis
from brain to heart imaging
Cagliari - ITALY
17-18 October 2019
President and Chair
Luca Saba
Scientific Directors
Luca Saba, Max Wintermark, Ajay Gupta, Marco Francone
Scientific Committee
Antonella Balestrerieri, Valeria Cherchi, Luigi Meloni, Giuseppe Mercuro, Maurizio Porcu, Michele Porcu, Alberto Boi, Pierpaolo Bassareo, Pierleone Lucatelli,
The Conference
Two Days of Powerful Talks
17-18 October 2019
09:00 am
Nowadays it is widely accepted that the rupture of the atherosclerotic plaque in coronary and carotid arteries plays a fundamental role in the development of acute myocardial infarctions or cerebrovascular events.
Atherosclerotic disease is the underlying process of the two most important causes of death worldwide: ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis has a high prevalence in western countries with values up to 75% of men and 62% of women aged 65 years and older. Despite advances in treatment, available routinely used screening and diagnostic methods are insufficient to identify the victims before the event occurs even if in the last years the recognition of the role of the vulnerable plaque has opened new avenues of opportunity in the field of cardiovascular medicine.
In the last years, imaging techniques have explored, with a new level of detail, the athero- sclerotic disease of the vessels by offering new evidences that some plaque characteristics are significantly associated to the risk of rupture and subsequent thrombosis or embolization.
Moreover, the recent evidence of the anti-atherosclerotic effects determined by lipid-lowe- ring and anti-inflammatory therapies poses a challenge for the choice of therapeutic approaches (best medical treatment – revascularization), maximized by the evidence that co- ronary and carotid atherosclerosis share common patterns but diverge for some important features. In this conference, we will discuss with worldwide class speakers from Europe and United States the similarities and differences between coronary and carotid artery plaque from the imaging point of view and the potential implications for systemic therapies accor- ding to the emerging evidences.
Our purpose is to present the more recent innovations in terms of early imaging of athe- rosclerosis and how to identify the best therapies for avoiding myocardial infarctions or cerebrovascular events.
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Key note lectures
Round Tables
Scientific Directors
Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe
Under the Auspices
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Register for the confererence
Register for the confererence
Registration Fee
Physicians: € 150,00 (VAT 22% included). TSRM - : € 80,00 (VAT 22% included)
The registration fee includes: admission to all scientific sessions, access to sponsor exhibition area, a
conference bag, a name badge, a certificate of attendance, simultaneous translation (Italian – English), Coffee break – Light Lunch.
Il Congresso è accreditato 100 partecipanti tra Medici Chirurghi (Radiodiagnostica – Radioterapia - Neurologia - Neuroradiologia – Cardiologia – Chirurgia Generale - Neurochirurgia - Medicina Nucleare - Neurochirurgia ) e TSRM. Avranno diritto ai crediti ECM solo coloro che saranno presenti per l’intera durata del corso ed avranno compilato gli appositi questionari che verranno consegnati in sede congressuale alla conclusione del corso.
Badge will be given upon registration. You are kindly required to wear your name badge during all sessions
Payment can be made by bank transfer. Please note that all bank costs and money transfer costs must be prepaid by the registrant. Please, be sure to pay all fees charged from your bank. We must receive your wire transfer amount in full. Please, do not forget to ask your bank to include your name as the issuer (originator) of the transference.
Bank Transfer headed to: Metasardinia srls
Banca Intesa San Paolo, Cagliari
IBAN IT12V0306904856100000001196 BIC SWIFT CODE : BCITITMM
Please, send a copy of your bank transfer via e-mail to: otherwise the payment cannot be registered. Cheques are not accepted.
Cancellation policy
Cancellations must be sent in writing to Metasardinia srls by 1st September 2019 in order to be refunded The 70% of the amount. Cancellations received after this date will not be refunded.
Refunds will be made after the closing of the course.
Programme modifications
The Scientific Secretariat and The Organizing Secretariat reserve the right to make any changes to the programme that will be deemed necessary for organizational and/or scientific reasons.